Election Committee
In accordance with DNB ASA’s Articles of Association, the general meeting has established an Election Committee consisting of four members. The general meeting has laid down instructions for how the Election Committee should carry out its duties. The members of the Election Committee shall be shareholders or representatives for shareholders and shall, as far as possible, represent all shareholders. No member of the Board of Directors or representative from group management is a member of the Election Committee.
According to instructions for the Election Committee, there should be rotation among the committee members.
The Election Committee submits justified recommendations to the general meeting for the election of members to the Board or Directors and the Election Committee. The recommendation should include relevant information on each candidate’s background and independence. Furthermore, the committee proposes remunerations to members of the aforementioned bodies. The remuneration of the Election Committee is determined by the general meeting.
The Election Committee consists of Camilla Grieg (chair), Ingebret G. Hisdal, Jan Tore Føsund, and André Støylen.
Shareholders who wish to propose candidates that they believe are suitable to be represented on the governing bodies of DNB, may send their proposals to the Group Secretariat, which will pass these on to the Election Committee.
Audit Committee and Risk Management Committee
The Audit Committee and the Risk Management Committee consist of four of the independent external board members. The committees are working committees for the Board of Directors, preparing matters and acting in an advisory capacity. The objectives, responsibilities and functions of the committees are in compliance with international rules and standards and are described in group standard procedures. The committees normally have seven to eight meetings each year.
Compensation Committee
The Compensation Committee consists of three independent external board members and one board member elected by the employees. The committee puts forth a recommendation for the Board of Directors' guidelines for remuneration to senior executives, draws up proposals and issues recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the remuneration awarded to the group chief executive – and acts in an advisory capacity to the group chief executive with respect to the remuneration and other important personnel-related matters concerning members of the group management team and any others reporting to the group chief executive. The committee normally meets six to seven times a year.