DNB Bank ASA - status of share buy-back programme after week 31 2024

DNB Bank ASA - status of share buy-back programme after week 31 2024

On 17 June 2024, DNB Bank ASA (“DNB”) announced that the company has decided to initiate a share buy-back programme comprising up to 1.0 percent of the company’s own shares, which represents a total of 14,925,301 shares.

Up to 9,850,699 shares will be purchased on trading venues by 13 September 2024, and a proposal to cancel the shares will be made at the Annual General Meeting in 2025. At the same meeting it will also be proposed to redeem the remaining shares – up to 5,074,602 shares – from the Norwegian Government, represented by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries (“NFD”), so that NFD’s ownership interest of 34 percent remains unchanged. 

The total consideration paid for the shares purchased under the buy-back programme, including the shares that will be proposed redeemed from NFD, will not exceed NOK 3,358 million.

During week 31 of 2024, DNB purchased 802,091 own shares at an average price of NOK 223.4828 per share. Following this, DNB has purchased a total of 5,163,749 own shares under the current buy-back programme, corresponding to 0.35 percent of the shares in the company.

Below is a more detailed overview of the transactions carried out under the buy-back programme:

Date: Number of shares Average price (NOK) Total transaction value (NOK)
29/07 132,090 224.1507 29,608,065.96
30/07 140,001 224.9363 31,491,306.94
31/07 160,000 225.4529 36,072,464.00
01/08 170,000 224.3185 38,134,145.00
02/08 200,000 219.7379 43,947,580.00
Previously announced buy-backs under the programme 4,361,658 212.9286 928,721,544.47
Total buy-backs made under the programme 5,163,749 214.5680 1,107,975,106.37

Please see the stock exchange announcement published on 17 June 2024, which is available at www.newsweb.oslobors.no, for more information about the buy-back programme. 

For further information, please contact Rune Helland, Head of Investor Relations, on +47 23 26 84 00 or +47 97 71 32 50.

This announcement contains information that is subject to disclosure requirements pursuant to the Market Abuse Regulation and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

An overview of all buy-backs made this week is enclosed with this announcement and available at www.newsweb.oslobors.no.